Building helper

Item list for buildings:


Items needed:

{{ cost.ticker}}: {{ round2(cost.amount)}}
{{ round(price(cost)) }}
sum: {{ round(sum()) }}
area cost: {{ round(areaCost()) }}
work force: {{ workForce() }}
habitat capacity: {{ habs() }}

Top 50 most profitable recipes:

(when bought ALL WF consumables from CX)
Building Recipe Daily profit
{{recipe.BuildingName}} {{recipe.RecipeName}} {{ recipe.Profit==-1?'Workforce costs for this currently not calculatable':round(recipe.Profit) }}

Recipes of {{ticker}}:

Daily costs of a {{ticker}}: {{ round( getRecipes(ticker)[0].DailyWorkforcePrice + getDegCost(ticker) ) }}
Consists of {{ round(getRecipes(ticker)[0].DailyWorkforcePrice) }} daily workforce price of a {{ticker}} plus
{{ round(getDegCost(ticker)) }} daily degradation costs. (Costs are already included in profit bellow)
Recipes Daily profit
{{recipe.RecipeName}} {{ recipe.Profit==-1?'Workforce costs for this currently not calculatable':round(recipe.Profit) }}